Fox, Jackal & BadgerThe Fox (Vulpes vulpes L.)The fox is spread in the whole Romanian territory, from mountain side to the Black Sea being well represented by a healthy and numerous populations all over the country. During the wild boar drives or other kind of hunting, shooting foxes is an absolutely normal appearance. Fox hunting can be done by chasing with dogs at the den by individual hunters using special trained dogs but the most common, successful and beautiful method is to hunt for foxes during the winter time using predator caller. This method of hunt usually takes place during the whole day, starting early in the morning ending late in the evening. It can be done by stalking through the fields or driving by car through the fields in order to locate them easier and faster. The visibility is very good due to the winter conditions. Sunny and freezing days are usually the best ones for amazing successful hunts. Driven hunts, in places where the fox population is rich, using beaters, dogs and stands, is very successful and challenging fox shooting. Because it is represented by a rich population and is very destructive for young small game stocks, the foxes need to be kept carefully under control being hunted all year round.
The Jackal (Canis aureus L.)The jackal is native from India and Ceylon and has been extended to the Balkans area, then to Central Europe, being in obvious expansion northward. In Romania has entered 60 years ago and now is common all over the country. The jackal population needs to be kept under control because is very destructive for the young game population. Driven hunt is the most successful method of hunt for jackals where the populations are rich, while stalking and waiting being less successful because the jackals are mainly active during the night.
The Badger (Meles meles L.)The badger is an omnivore animal present in Romania from Carpathians to the Danube, which very rarely can be surprised out of its den except during the night. The badger is spending the whole day resting in its den and is doing the same time all over the winter when he is hibernating. It may be hunted with lot of success, late evening or early in the morning, by waiting at its den or agriculture fields.
![]() ![]() Fox chasing mouse (2019)
![]() ![]() 3 days hunting with caller (2017)
![]() ![]() Landscape - Fox habitat (2014)
![]() ![]() Fox hunt (2018)